Jan 14, 2010

Well, here we go!

First off- here is my check in bag! All vacuum-sucked to fit as much as possible!

Currently, I am in my very own hotel room in Omaha, Nebraska... about to get a good "nap" in before I start my journey! I feel so old.... Its crazy to think about. It really doesn't seem real yet, but I'm SUPER excited. I fly out of Omaha at 7:30, then arrive in Newark, NJ. I then have a 7 hour layover :/ and fly out for Barcelona around 7:10 at night. I will then arrive in Barcelona around.... 11:30 in the morning on saturday (their time) and finally reach Granada at 1:30 PM! What an adventure I have in store :) I'm ready to just BE in Spain, rather than have all of these ideas as to what its going to be like. Saying goodbye to the family was tough, but we all made it through. My dad's very "wise" last words to me were, "It takes some balls to study abroad... love you sweety." hahaha. wow dad. thanks. :P Love him! Mom was being her "mama bear self" making sure I had all of the last minute items, such as vitamins and plenty of warm things. - what a loving mother. :) (love you mom) And as for the boys, I think its going to be tough for Nolan and Clayton to not have the 'life of the party' at home anymore, but they'll deal :P. I'm so excited to see them already! Time is going to fly... I love you all, and will be thinking of you during my trip!


  1. Safe travels for sweet Paige are in my prayers. Love you dear.

  2. momma bear loves her little bear :)

  3. Your dad is so wise, Paige! We are so excited for you as you begin this life changing trip! We will be praying for you, dear Paige! Lisa
