Jan 15, 2010

AND happy trails to you...

Well, as of now I am sitting in the airport with Chris and Ben. The night went by WAY too fast! When I got my wakeup call this morning at 4, I was pretty confused. I proceeded to get ready in my zombie-state. haha (for those of you know know me well know how that goes :P) Anyway, checking my bags in went well! My bag weighed 49.5 lbs. so I'd say the parents and I did a pretty good job packing everything in there! Chris had a bit of a struggle getting through security. He left his laptop in his backpack, and had entire bottles of mouthwash and toothpaste. Some very kind lady behind him heard the security yell, "Bag search!" And she proceeded to tell him, "Yep. Now your bags are going to be checked. Get with the program." At that moment, a little tear trickled down his cheek. Poor kid. Hahaha. Seems like she had been taking one too many grumpy pills this morning. Well, we're gonna go get some quick breakfast before we start to board. Next stop: Newark NewJersey!


  1. I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to hear from you after you've arrived! Have a good flight!

  2. Hi Paige, Glad you made it to the East coast safely. Your mom will tell me when you get to Spain. Praying for you! Love Lisa
