Jan 24, 2010


(Alex and I with our prunes) :)

Alex and I have found a new love/appreciation for prunes. They may look disgusting, but I LOVE them.. and so does she! We have researched them, and have discovered all of the benefits of them as well. So YAY for prunes. :) Today was great. We slept in until 12:30, went to the pharmacy, returned and had lunch- which was AMAZING. We had baked chicken with sliced potatoes with onions and garlic...mmm so good. Also, we had our bread with olive oil of course. After that we went back to our room and messed around on our computers. Alex taught me how to play rummy. By then dinner was ready, and we at pizza. Dinner was great as well! Maria put onions on our pizza which added lots of flavor. She knows that we love onions, so now she has been putting them on EVERYTHING. She's so sweet. :) Today Alex and I decided that Granada is starting to feel like home... we love Paco y Maria.. and the food is getting better and better. We had lots of laughs over dinner... While we were watching the news, there was some story about Osama Bin Laden, and Paco said that if we wouldn't have such good hamburgers in America, Bin Laden wouldn't have bothered us. All he wanted was a good hamburguesa! He said that he's left Spain alone because their hamburgers are so bad. According to Paco, all we have to do is start serving bad hamburgers, and we'll be left alone! Haha. So funny... we all laughed for about two minutes about that one. Maria helped Alex and I with all of our homework, so we are all ready for classes tomorrow! Our stomachs are starting to feel better, so thats definately a blessing! I'm looking forward to this week, and am excited to see what God has in store :) Thanks for checking in!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad everything is going so well Paige! I sure do miss you, but it will make seeing you in May/June all the better! Hopefully you have another great week and I'll be talking to you soon! I have Tuesdays & Thursdays off so if you want to Skype just let me know! =)
