Jan 23, 2010

La Alhambra

We went to the alhambra this morning... and it was abolutely breath-taking. The detail in the architecture was amazing. Apparently the Alhambra is the most visited site in Europe! Even more than the Louvre! I thought that was pretty neat. :) Spain's claim to fame ;) Anyway... i tried to take as many pictures as i could! I took about 100, and tried to weed them down to just a few for my blog. It started raining RIGHT as we were leaving, so we were very lucky! After the Alhambra, Alex and I checked out all of the shops on mainstreet, and hit jackpot on some sales :) Its so fun to shop here. There's more of a thrill, because everything is so.... fresh, for lack of a better term.... in style? Anyway, it was a great afternoon. Now we have just been relaxing in our room for the afternoon. We picked up some chips with queso... and have been snacking on that. It been nice to have something to munch on! Tonight we may go out or Italian, or something close... and then get some dessert. We can't wait to sleep in tomorrow! We have nothing going on, so we told Maria that we didn't need breakfast, because we plan on sleeping until we can't sleep anymore! Its time to go get ready tho, enjoy the pictures, and please feel free to comment! Take care!


  1. Wow Paige! It looks amazing there! I might have to get out there in the future...:)

    -Lauren McDonald

  2. you'd love it. its absolutely gorgeous.

  3. That place looks incredible! The gardens and detail work are amazing! I'm glad to see that you are having fun! I am trying to stay caught up with reading this as much as I can!
    Prayin for you AND Alex!

    P.S. Nice photography. The picture of Alex is really cool!!
