Jan 9, 2010


Today was yet another day, where my mind wanders from thought to thought, thinking of different last minute things I have yet to do! There are so many little details that need to be addressed. I haven't really made any more headway on the packing... through this, I've realized something about myself. Generally, when I am overwhelmed with things, I become a bit apathetic and just try to ignore the situation. NOT always the best way to deal, ya think? ;) haha. Oh well... everything always seems to get done one way or another. However, today I did book a hotel room for the night we arrive in Granada. I am fortunate to room with the lovely Shayna Jacobs. :) I'm getting more and more excited to start experiencing my new journey. God has SO much in store for me... not only just seeing the world and the beauty and power it exemplifies, but also getting to know GOD'S people, of different lands... isn't that what our lives are supposed to be about? I hope that throughout this blog, you all will be able to read/see more than just 'landmarks.' - But even more importantly, life lessons I'm learning, and how others are impacting my life. The preparation for this experience just seems to drag on and on... I just want to be over there already. The day will come sooner than soon, however. Until then I need to have patience and continue to trust in the Lord in so many different areas of my life.

---"Trust in the Lord, with ALL of your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct your path." --- Something that really struck me with this verse was how the word "all" is used. This is a really challenging concept... because often times, we find ourselves leaning on God in those times of hurt or confusion. We should be seeking Him and trusting in Him in those times of our lives that seem "oh so perfect." Why not praise God for feeling confident and secure in our lives as well? Through this time of preparation, I am trying to seek Him with my thoughts, and put all of my trust in Him. Yes, I am a bit nervous about leaving the country for 4 months... but i have confidence in knowing that HE will direct my paths. That is what keeps me going, and gives me the strength and courage to pursue this dream of mine. If you all could lift some prayers for me, that I will constantly be reminded to seek Him in those times of desperation, as well as times of utter joy--- I would appreciate it beyond words. :)

***Here are some pictures of my "flip" so ya'll can see the adorable print that I got! If I could promote one product, the flip may be it! :) Also, here is a photo of my new shoes. I needed to get a pair that wouldn't scream "I'm American!" I think these will do the trick. Thanks for checking in!

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