Jan 21, 2010


Well, once again... we are just zonked! These days are just starting to seem longer and longer! We aren't running on adreneline anymore... and i miss it! Oh well... once again we had toast for breakfast, went to a meeting... then walked back home across the city. On the way back we stopped at shops again (thats my favorite part of the day) and i got a super cute tote for school. I can keep notebooks and a sandwich in there, so that'll be super handy to have. I also got a brush... which was much needed! We had this thick rice with chicken and vegetables for lunch......we did not like it at all..... but we tried to throw it down the hatch. Then we layed around for a bit... and were off to class! WE had class from 4-7... and it was a really good day in class. I felt more confident and am starting to gain great relationships with the professors. For dinner we had las tortillas de espana again... it was good. we also had a salad with crab meat and tuna in it. that was good as well :) I'm trying to decide if i want to take intensive language courses... which would really help me with my grammar and writing..(which is NEEDED if i want to teach it someday)... or if i wanna do lengua y cultura, and get my art and history credits done with.... im not sure what i want to do yet. either would be really good for me... i guess we'll just see what God has in store! Tomorrow is just another typical day, and then on Saturday we go visit the Alhmabra, here in the city. I'm sure that will be gorrrgeous. Right now I'm sipping on my hot chocolate, which is our treat everyday... its definately something different to get used to! Back in the states hot chocolate would be... eh... nothing special. Here, its like.... whoa, hot chocolate! (considering we eat fruit for dessert) Health freak paige, here we come! Spain is definately altering my eating habits and thoughts on food. Well, i'm gonn do a bit of studying, and hit the hay! tomorrow will be another long day. Hasta luego!

(p.s. i hope that my blog is easier to read now. this is a different format, but i think its better :) )

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