Jan 26, 2010

mmm candy.

Wowzers. What a day... ha. Not. My day consisted of sleeping in until 12... eating some kiwi... then relaxing until lunch at 2.... class at 4-7... then dinner.... now eating some candy. Rough, eh? ;) Anyway, it's been a good day, needless to say. On the way home from class today Alex and I stopped in a candy shop.. we FINLLY gave in, and have been munching on candy ever since... whoops. We decided today that we are going to join a gym... so tomorrow we are going to the gym to get our memberships, and hopefully start working out! Bye bye candy. I found my new love tho... its a candy bar called "Bueno." I'd say the name suites itself pretty well :). Last night I went to check out a salsa bar with some friends...it would have been REALLY cool, but considering it was a monday night... it was kinda empty. Ha. So maggie and I left to go to the Kabob King.. and try my first Kabob! It was so good... its not what a Kabob is known as in the states. Kabobs here are like this: They have a HUGE, and i mean HUGE, chunk of meat on a spinning pole... they then shave off your choice of meat (in my case i picked chicken)... and have the meat fall into a tortilla-type shell. Its like pita bread, but a bit thinner... I topped my kabob with lettuce, onions, gouda cheese, and a white salsa. The dude then places it on the grill... and in about 5 minutes you have a crunchy shell to bite into! SO SO good. It's probably a bad thing that I discovered it.... Late night munchies, anyone? Uh oh. The gym is going to be more needed than I ever thought! Haha. Oh well... :) Everything is going well, though! Tomorrow night is ladies night at a discoteca, so a bunch of us girls are going to go out dancing. I'm pretty excited for that :) Then Friday we have our final test to see what level of classes we pass into.. And immediately afer the test, we leave for Morocco! I'm experiencing SO much already, and i've only been here for 9 days. Unreal.... oh yeah.. and yesterday i took my first SIESTA since i've been here! It was awesome. Until next time! Besos.

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