Jan 19, 2010

Tranquila (Patience)

Today was a little bit of a rough one. It was just super duper long... and a little overwhelming. We got up and had the typical breakfast of toastada con mantequilla y cafe con leche. It is good, but I'm just kinda craving my bacon or muffin or something! haha. Oh well, i'm learning to appreciate many things. After breakfast alex and i went on a little shopping trip. We got hangers, mirrors, air freshener, a deck of cards, hair spray, and i got some boots! The boots were only 15 euro, so i was pumped about that. We also went around to all of the local pharmacies because our stomachs haven't been feeling very well at all. We decided we needed some fiber pills! No one knew what we were talking about when we were asking them in the stores... so i tried to explain things as well as i could... "Las vitaminas de fibra?? uh... necesitamos ayuda cuando usamos el bano.... para la ca-ca?" They started laughing and immediately knew what we were talking about. Pretty funny if you ask me! (for those of you who don't know spanish, i was asking them for vitamins that help when we use the restroom.... in order to go #2 easier) haha. apparently, even though the water is ok to drink, our bodies aren't quite used to it! Paco said "tranquilla" because it will get better :) We then had lunch with Paco y Maria, like everyday... and we had a bean soup type of dish. Not my favorite...a little bland for my taste. We also had cucumbers and tomatoes on the side. Those were good. Then we went to the univerity and had a meeting about our schedule of trips this semester... and then we had class from 4-7. Not really class.. but kinda. We're going over verb tenses and all of that fun stuff. After class Chris, Alex and I walked all the way to the mall across town, and I got a phone. We then had to use a map to find our way back home in time for dinner, but we made it. We still can't get the lock figured out... as far as getting back into the apartment goes. We feel so dumb because they keep showing us how to do it, but it doesn't work when they aren't around! Oh well... we'll get it figured out eventually. We had homemade french fries, a ham and cheese fried thing, and soup for dinner. We told paco and maria that today was kinda a rough day... and we were tired, missed our families, and school was tough because the professors are intimidating. Paco kept saying, "Tranquilla, tranquilla, tranquilla." He's so sweet, that Paco :) I can hear Alex and my stomach's making noise while we are laying in bed right now. So weird... lets hope that ends soon! Well we're swiped. I posted a picture of one of the fountains on my walk home... and all of Alex's and my shoes... i realized ALL of my shoes are black or gray.... (on the left...) hmm.... hopefully ill fall asleep easier than last night! Night guys :) <3>


  1. Haha, oh Paige I love reading all this. I will say a prayer for you tonight; the first week or so can be pretty rough, especially because you are adjusting to so many new things! Okay, that story from the pharmacy is HILARIOUS. I hope your bowels get better :) Give it time; the water and food will maybe take a week or two to get used to, and then you will be tough as nails and you can drink out of rivers and stuff. Okay, that isn't exactly true, but still. You are doing GREAT honey. I'm so impressed with you speaking Spanish! And getting cute shoes. Keep soaking it up like a little sponge and even the sad, bad, frustrating, terrible moments will add up and be part of an overall stinkin' amazing experience. (I sound like our moms again. Oh, well, can't complain.) I love you, Paige!

  2. awww.... i love you, em! i hope all is well with you! i hope classes are going well... and that you have adjusted as well! thanks so much for checking up on me!
