Jan 27, 2010

Eggs, Rice & Tomato Sauce. hmm.

Today Alex and I woke up decently early for a meeting... breakfast was the normal piece of toast... and coffee with milk. My stomach has actually gotten used to all of this bland-ness! We then walked to our meeting and returned in time for lunch. Lunch was as follows: A large lump of white rice, drenched in tomato sauce... with some fried green pepers on the side, and a fried egg. For those of you who know me well... this was NOT my favorite meal. (I can't stand tomatoe juice, and am not a fan of eggs) ;) Oh well- I'm expanding my horizons in the taste world. We then walked to class, and to our surprise, it was raining. :( Shootie. We decided to get some coffee to go... but then after we had paid they told us they didn't have lids. GRR. SO- we tried walking with our umbrellas AND coffees. Not such a great idea. :P Haha. You have to find the laughs in those things! Class went well today- apparently my professor said there's no way I shouldn't be in lengua y cultura. So that was kinda nice to hear- that I have some type of direction as to what to do! Oh- also- I found out today that we will be in Morocco much longer than i thought! We leave Friday after our level test, and we are there until Tuesday! I'm getting STOKED for this trip. How often can someone say that they stayed in a family's home in MOROCCO?! :) What an opportunity to get a glimpse into a culture that I have absolutely no understanding of. Tonight we had my favorite meal: Pasta salad, with sauteed peppers, and bread with olive oil. So good :) Tonight I'm going out with a small group of girls for some Tapas at a cute little place called "Beauty and the Beast." I LOVE it there. Its definately my favorite place as of yet. Hopefully I'll get some good pictures for ya'll to see at some point :) Tomorrow we are going to go get a pass to a gym and work out... hopefully... if things go as planned. Ha. Then we'll go shopping a bit, and get some good coffee before lunch. We don't have anything until 4, so thats a nice change of pace! Take care, ya'll... and eat some peanut butter for me... please? :)


  1. sooooooo I noticed you had a salad! And its your favorite? Come on now! Wayne would not approve....

  2. I love how you say ya'll a lot! Alex is rubbing off on you! haha It sounds like everything is going FANTASTICALLY and I can't wait to hear about your trip!! Love you!!

  3. no the salad was really really good actually! haha. its better than having ham at EVERY meal... that or eggs. it was nice to have a change.. and have some light food for once ;) i still like my steak, trav. don't you worry :)

  4. Hi Paige, It is so fun folowing your blog, it looks like you are seeing a doing a ton of fun things, enjoy it all. Praying for you, Marcia A.

  5. Hi Paige,

    Aunt Sherrilyn told me about your blog. I just read your comment about peanut butter and smiled. Peanut butter and I are best friends. Such great friends that 3 large jars are coming with me. I had withdrawal while in Italy so I'm prepared this time. I have loved your pictures, looks beautiful. Thanks for posting your fun experiences. If you like, you can check out my blog as well. I'll be in New Zealand in a week! Happy trails woman!

