Jan 15, 2010

Next Stop: Barcelona!

(Chris And Ben: Typical Tourists) (Currency rates, and Chris's 1st Euros!)

(My 1st Euros and NYC from the Airport!)

.............................................Currently I am sitting in the Newark Airport.. which is located right across the Hudson river...! Meaning I can see NYC from here :) so so cool. I've never been further east of Chicago until now, and this is NOTHING compared to where I will be going. It was so neat looking out the window of the plane and trying to figure out if we were in NYC or not yet. Chris and I kept trying to guess what body of water/river was the Hudson... and we guessed wrong around 6 times. Haha. Once we saw the actual thing it was pretty obvious... from the air we could see the Statue of Liberty, and it looked so small on that little island. We could clearly see the Empire State Building.. it was so neat to see NYC from the distance. So beautiful... Our flight here was delayed about an hour or so... and guess why. The flight attendent was "late" (aka: she slept through her alarm). Haha. Hey, we're all human, right? Because of this inconvenience, Continental Airlines gave out complimentary drinks to anyone on the plane. There were some businesmen that took advantage of that you better believe! A bloody mary for breakfast? Why not! haha. Once we arrived at this airport, we had to take a shuttle to make it to our next gate... this airport is HUGE. Its unbelievable. We ate at a little sit down restaurant here and got our money exchanged for euros. Chris and Ben (aka Benjamin) keep calling me 'mama bear paige' because apparently I'm playing the role of a mom during our trip. Thats fine with me! Ha- I just played up the role a bit by tying my Northface around my waist while we walk around the airport. All I need now is a fanny-pack! ;) We fly out at 7:10 eastern time... and will arrive in Barcelona around 11:30 a.m. their time! I'm ready to sleep... hopefully i'll be able to do so on the plane.

1 comment:

  1. Paige... that totally makes me think of our moms. don't tell :) Haha. I'm SO glad you are doing well and you arrived! I had a dream the other night that we were back in the states and I was like, "You haven't even left yet? I'm already back!" But I woke up and we weren't back, of course. I'm going to figure out where Granada is and see if I can go there. I will definitely let you know!
