Jan 22, 2010


Well today was a GREAT friday. We were so hyper, knowing that it was the weekend! Class went really well again today... Our professor gave us the ins and outs of the wine of granada... and the different cultural references. We learned the words for red wine, white wine, and anything inbetween... along with dry/smooth... so that's good to know when traveling and such. :) Class went by super fast... and we came back home for dinner. Dinner was good tonight. WE had a pasta-salad type salad... and it was super good! We ate a lot tonight, compared to other nights! After dinner we showered up, and got a bit dressed up. We went out with the group of students for tapas... and found the neatest little bar/restaurant i've seen yet. The floor was wooden, and had sweet words in each piece... so cool. The drinks and tapas were spectacular... i loved every minute there. We're definately going back! We had quite a large group, so it'd be nice to go back with a smaller one for better conversation... the atmosphere was very chill and refine... VH1 was even playing on tv's around us! Madonna was singing her heart out :) haha. so funny. After that a bunch of us girls went out for ice cream... and LOVED it. We were craving our comfort food, and finally caved in. I have a feeling thats going to become a regular... and i'll discover a new paige... that is 200 pounds. Ha. Alex and i had some great conversation here before bed.. and we're excited for tomorrow! Its supposed to rain tho... and we are going to the Alhambra :/ not too excited about that. Lets just hope it holds off! Well... thats it for now... Buenos noches!

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