Jan 23, 2010

Hamburguesas... en Espana???

Tonight was a pretty chill night :) Alex and I wanted to find some comfort food for our tummy's... so we went out looking. At first, we were going to get Mexican, but that was across the city. Considering we had walked across town aleady when coming back from the Alhambra, our feet weren't feeling it. We then decided we would go to an Italian place just up the road. Well, our stomach's were let down when the doors were locked as we approached the building... soooo. We settled for a good ol' American burger at a place kiddy-corner from our apartment. We had wanted to try it out for a while now, so we decided tonight would be the night! On our way there... we wanted to try and check out some pharmacy's on the way... for some personal items. During our adventure, I snapped a neat photo with the sign for one in the distance. They were all closed... so we had to settle for some "prunes", grapes, and kiwi from a local fruit and veggies store. Our burgers were horrible. The consistency between the meat and the bun was NOT right... we ended up eating half of the bun, and called it good. Also, this picture is my burger BEFORE i ate it. Yes, i was given about 8 french fries.... hmm... I think ill stick to good ol' McDonald's next time :) Haha. I'm glad we tried it tho! You never know until you try! (I've already learned that after being here for a week.)After our nasty burgers we wanted to treat ourselves to something GOOD.. and decided on our favorite Heladeria... which has the ice cream, and other wonderful desserts. I got a scoop of vanilla ice cream,with the chocolate sauce that was also used in the Churreria the other day. SO SO good. Muy bien! After that, we were MORE than content and made our way back home! It was a nice relaxing saturday night... and was much needed after a big first week in Granada! Enjoy the pictures :)

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