Jan 10, 2010


"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."
"When you say a person or situation is 'hopeless', you might as well shut the door in the face of your LORD."
"Hope is the flame of the candle... without it, you will never get to where your dreams lie."
Today has been a whirlwind of different thoughts, lessons, and events. Isn't it crazy how sometimes, everything can feel so right... like the world is finally spinning upright, on its axis again? One of the most essential lessons I learned today was the power of hope. I had never really pondered what 'hope' really is before. Hope is one of the most essential components of the human life. Without it, there is nothing to live for. We as Christians live for the hope that someday we will be reunited with our heavenly Father, with hope that He will come back and rescue us from this broken land. ... What would life be like without hope??? I cannot even comprehend what it would be like... to not have anything to live for... Within these past few weeks, I have began the process of fully beginning to TRY and understand myself. I have NOT accomplished it fully, and do not think I ever will... but I am getting there. I'm beginning to search what is most important to me in my life... What are my goals for myself? What do I want others to know me as? What do I want my identity in? How can I love others more, and be a 'slave' of Christ? Even though there is not a definite black and white answer, I think that self-reflection and meditation is becoming more and more essential to my growth. Anyway- back to my topic of hope. I've realized... that I'm SO young yet, and I have the world at my fingertips. If I don't have my own dreams and desires for what my future holds, I ultimately do not have hope for my future. Without hope, I would be living a life that has no direction... an empty, shallow life. This relates to many aspects of my life... relationships, personal goals and aspirations, and my character/relationship with God. If we feel led to do something or act out in some way... the FIRST thing we need to is reach out to God and SEEK HIM. Once we have confirmation from Him, then we can carry on with confidence. What a beautiful thing! Our God answers prayer! He gives answers! He's alive.... so alive.... We cannot just shut Him out, or not listen to His call just because we may feel uncomfortable, or are too lazy to take that step. HE is the great author, and we will just introduce an ugly twist to the story if we try to take things into our own hands. So for now, I'm going to HOPE that the Lord has the perfect plan for my life.. that he is orchestrating it according to HIS plan, though it may be uncomfortable at times. I'm going to HOPE that while I'm in Spain, things at home will be fine. I'm going to HOPE that relationships will become stronger because of my absence, and draw me closer to those I love. Anyway, enough with that stuff- as far as my "Europe things" go... today I did NOTHING. Tomorrow I'll need to hunker down, and get that stuff all ironed out: keep packing, go to the bank? Who knows what God has in store... 4 more days left in the U.S! Thanks for checking in :)


  1. Hi Paige, I will be praying for you as you pack and prepare to travel. You will do great! Love, Lisa

  2. Thanks so much, Lisa! That means a lot :)

  3. Hey Paige! I'll be praying for you and checking this often to see what's up with you :)

    Have a fabulous time and enjoy every minute of it!

  4. Hey girly, thanks for posting this.. a lot of the stuff you talked about has been weighing on my heart lately too. And you are totally right. Our hope should be in God alone because He holds our lives in His hands. I'll be praying for you! I hope that God uses us in each others' lives while we're in Spain! I'm excited to start this adventure with you! See you soon!!! :)
