Apr 16, 2010

Well, No Ireland.

I'm sure some of you have heard... but there was a volcanic erruption in Iceland. Because of this, there is a gigantic volcanic cloud over the northern part of Europe. This means that there are no flights able to depart or arrive. We went to Malaga yesterday with the intention of flying to Dublin, without any knowledge of the volcano yet. We then came to find out that EVERY flight out of Malaga was cancelled. Even though Malaga is in southern Spain! So... needless to say it was a rough day of taking the bus to Malaga, realizing we couldn't even go, and then the bus back. Oh well- things happen! We were in line with a lady who was supposed to be flying to Dublin tomorrow for her brothers wedding. It was heart-breaking because she was SOBBING. The airlines are out for who knows how long... there's no way she could make it. Her circumstance really put things in perspective for us. We didn't have it that bad! We are trying to get our money back for our flight... but lost money for the hostels. We are also thinking about re-scheduling for the second weekend in May... but who knows if that will even work out! We're keeping our chins up though :)

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