Apr 8, 2010

La Vida Bonita

Today was wonderful for many reasons:

1. Class went by surprisingly fast.
2. Lunch was grrrrreat. We had white rice with tomato sauce, a fried egg, and some new thing that consisted of fried bacon, cheese, and vegetables.
3. My work out was relaxing... and there were some hilarious people to watch. ;)
4. After my work out, I went to the plaza right next to the gym. It was a beautiful sunny day, so i wanted to take full advantage of it! I put in my earphones, and laid down on a bench... two hours later, i woke up! I wasn't planning on falling asleep, but it was just SO relaxing... and I felt fully rested afterwards. :)
5. After my surprising nap, I went to the plaza with the crazy spiky trees (I took multiple pictures of it earlier in the semester). While there, I sat on another bench and read "New Moon". Got to love it!
6. Dinner was my favorite pasta salad, with pork tenderloin. mmm mmm good. Paco and Maria kept telling me, "Come mas!" (Eat more) So what did I do? Ate more, of course. Haha.
7. The weekend is HERE! I love not having class on Fridays. :) On saturday I am going to the beach with some friends. We are going to Nerja, and I haven't been there yet, so i'm sure there will be pictures to come!
8. I got to have a chat with my grandma via skype, and it was wonderful. :) (Love you gma!) :)

Well thats all for now! Over and out.

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