Apr 6, 2010

La Plaza

Today was.. really neat actually. After I was done with class for the day, I decided it was just way too beautiful outside to go home and sit in my room. I went to my favorite plaza, and decided to have some "quiet" time for a while. This plaza that I enjoy, is absolutely filled with flower stands, and pigeons. The pigeons... well... im not too fond of, but the flowers and atmosphere is so refeshing. I treated myself to some KinderBueno icecream, (my little taste of heaven)... and found a bench. I began eating my ice cream, which was absolutely amazing, and started to take in my surroundings. There was a group of 5 teenage boys practicing bull fighting with their clothes and everything. It was actually pretty funny, because they were in pairs. One of the boys had to pretend he was a bull, and squat down and run. They were having so much fun, and I couldn't help but laugh to myself. Also, it was so neat thinking of bull fighting as an actual sport. They are so serious about it here. I was watching their coach, and he was correcting them with technique and everything. Also, there were little boys, probably 4 years old, surrounding me. They were absolutely precious... squeeling as they chased pigeons. They would drop some bread crumbs, and then run as fast as their short little legs could take them. They thought they were conquering the impossible. It was so so so adorable. Hearing little kids talk in spanish just makes my heart melt. Thats all for now! Until next time.

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