Apr 23, 2010

Ronda = Love

Ronda was absolutely beautiful. It is definately one of my favorite places in Spain. We woke up this morning at... 5:30- left our houses by 6, and took the 7:15 train. What an early morning- but SO worth it! The train ride was about 3 hours, but since we were riding through the mountains in Spain I didn't mind. Everything was so luciously green, an the rocks were the most beautiful shade of red. Once we got there, Chris took it upon himself to be our "guia" for the day... and led us around the small pueblo to all of the different look out spots. The town of Ronda is so small,but SO precious. It's not super-touristy either, which I really appreciate. It is famous for its bridge that was build in the 17th century. This bridge is behind me in the picture posted above. Our day consited of hiking up mountains, sitting on cliffs while listening to live Spanish guitar, taking in the sun, and of course- lots of laughs. It was quite possibly one of my favorite days here in Spain... days like these are what studying abroad is all about! Next stop- SEVILLA! (Tomorrow) Hasta luego!

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