Apr 13, 2010

A little heart-felt.

So, everyone needs one of those moments where they can just sigh, relax, and reflect. I believe I FINALLY had one of those tonight. I hope you all appreciate my little "heart-felt" blogpost this evening.

However crazy this may sound, I am SO ready to be home... but the thought of leaving this new "Home" that I have made here makes me feel sick. I am finally starting to feel like I know my place around here... I have an amazing family that loves me here, and have made the GREATEST new friends I could have ever imagined. (After you see each other at their worst... aka sleeping in various airports; As well as at their best.. like when we go out... you have a special type of bond that no one can compare to). It almost brings tears to my eyes... thinking of where I have come from while being here. I remember sitting in my FIRST college course my freshman year. It was a class called "Intersections". We had to write out our goals for our college career. (I think it was a way to fill time in this class... and make us feel like we are actually at college for a reason... getting us on the right foot). Anyway,we had to write out our goals, like I said... I don't remember ALL of mine... but one inparticular I do remember.
#4: Get an Education Major AND a Spanish Major. Sidenote: I honestly didn't think I could accomplish both... nor did I ever think I would have the desire/ambition to go THIS far with my Spanish. I thought that the Spanish Major was a really high goal, but the thought of achieving it for some reason intruiged me. And LOOKIE HERE. I am in Spain, speaking Spanish everyday... communicating easily with a family that doesn't speak a lick of English. Good grief. I am so happy.... and... proud.

Here's a little insight as to how I feel like I have made my own family over here:

Yesterday, I had a bit of a rough day. I was talking with Maria about some of my frustrations/hurts... and for some reason started to get a little teary-eyed! She proceeded to pinch and kiss my cheeks, hug me, and give me a pep-talk... that I am beautiful, and much too pretty to cry (remember folks, in Spanish)! This made me even MORE emotional, because while looking into her precious crazy eyes...I felt so grateful for who she was to me. Last night she wanted to make me a special meal, to help my "sadness"...and guess what it was?! A good ol' American hotdog. That sweet lil' thing.... she's just so precious... Ever since yesterday, she has been checking up on me... giving me kisses and hugs... making sure I'm ok. Tonight we had hamburgers and fries- this woman knows the ways to help an American-girl out! Haha.

Gah...I have my Jesus, and also friends and family in Spain AND America... Needless to say, I am one blessed brunette American girl... living in a Spanish world....

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