Feb 13, 2010

Week 1- DONE. AND Birthday fun :)

Ok, so I do realize that title is a it cheesy, but I'm in somewhat of a rhyme mood. Its been a while since i've blogged, so ill try and fill in as much as I can! First, I'll get into the first week of classes. I absolutely love my classes. I am enrolled in 1. Hispanic Literature 2. History of the Art of Spain 3. The History of Spain 4. A Grammar class 5. A writing and speaking class. In our Hispanic Literature class we are just starting a portion on poetry. I think im really going to like it! Its going to be lots of reading and disecting literature, but I think its going to be a great class. Last week I answered a question in class (in Spanish remember) and the Professora looked and pointed at me, smiled, and said "Exactamente!" That boosted my confidence and made my day a bit more bright :) I also really enjoy my History of Art. Right now we are going through the first types of art such as cave paintings and sculptures. SO interesting. Apparently I'm taking after my mama in this way! She loved art history in college- and was really good at it! I haven't been to my History of Spain class yet... I just added it. So we'll see how that goes. History classes and I have never really 'gotten along'...but who knows! My grammar class is really boring. We have a workbook, and have to do like, 14 pages of homework at a time. NOT fun. The writing and speaking class is alrigt. Nothing special. The first day I went to the wrong class not once, but twice... Not the greatest start! But thats alright :) I got there eventually! Apparently we can only miss four classes of each subject for the semester, so I'm going to have to make sure I get myself out of bed every morning for those 8:30 classes of mine! No class on Fridays is a definate bonus though!
Moving on to yesterday, my birthday. It was just wonderful! I got to sleep in until 10, got out of bed and had some breakfast. Paco pinched my cheek and told me happy birthday, and Maria gave me a kiss. :) They are just so precious. After breakfast I worked out, and got to take a nice long hot shower (those are always a treat!). Then I walked to school to check for any mail, and I actually had two packages! One from Cory, and one from my family. :) They absolutely made my day. :) The day before I had received one from my Grandpa and Grandma Blythe. So sweet, as well! Receiving mail is one of the best feelings EVER. So please, keep it coming! We then had lunch, which was actually my favorite that Maria makes! It is chicken with potatoes and onions.. with a really rich olive oil sauce. After that I talked to some family and friends, took a nap... and then Alex and I went shopping for a bit! It was SNOWING which was weird, and not my favorite! I stopped to get a Kabob on the way home.. and it hit the spot :) Alex and I then started getting ready for our night out on the town! We went to Beauty and the Beast with four of our guy friends and Caitlin- and there we enjoyed some good ol' tapas. :) After that we went to an Irish pub where all the kids have gone to watch American football. The owner is really nice, and he even speaks English! We met up with more of our friends there, and had a great time! The entire pub sang me happy birthday :) After that we went to Granada Diez, which is a HUGE discoteca/dance club. It is three stories high, and was a theater back in the day! Theres a stage and everything. When we first got there they were telling us that we had to pay 10 euro to get in... However, with my sly skills, I talked to the security guards, told them it was my birthday, and asked if my girlfriends and i could get in for free considering it WAS my birthday and all! Needless to say, I paid zero euros, and the guys ended up having to still pay. Haha. Rough. Granada Diez was a blast. There were Spaniards all over the place. They were nuts! So fun tho :) We were there until 4 in the morning! It went by so fast! When we were leaving, there were still people coming in! They stay out so late... its crazy. We were so tired when we were done there, and ready to go to bed! It was a blast, like I said... and then we slept in until 2 in the afternoon today. That was much needed! Today we've just been chillin out, and catching up on talking to people at home. Tomorrow I'm going to check out a church-and i'm really excited about that as well! All in all, I am STILL having the time of my life... learning alot about the world and myself as well! :) Thanks for the birthday wishes!

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