Feb 21, 2010

The Blythe's in Spain

1. The family in front of the pool at the Alhambra.
2. Us kids and Dad figuring out the city with the map!
3. Us kids in front of some grafitti in a plaza.
4. At the beach in Malaga!
5. The family in front of the bus stop!
6. My beautiful parents in front of a fountain.
7. Us kids at a discoteca!
Since I don't want to spend much time on the computer with my family being here and all, I figured i'd just upload some pictures for Grandpa and Grandma to look at :) Here you go! Enjoy! love you!


  1. Hi Paige and Blythe family. Hope you are all having a great time together. paige, I read your blog every day. sounds like you are making some great memories. Enjoy the rest of your time in Spain. Please pass along birthday wishes to your dad for me. Since his is currently in the land of where the bulls run, it is only appropriate for me to say Happy Birthday Herd Bull. Dave Hughes

  2. Ahhh I love this family! I hope you have an awesome time together :) Mis padres are coming here in like two weeks! Yeah!
