Feb 18, 2010

Updates, Updates, Updates.

So this is Paco, my 71 year old host-dad... blowing bubbles with his grandson, Curro, at our dinner table. It was one of the most adorable things i've ever witnessed in my life... and you can hear Maria in the background. Seeing them interact with their grandson was so neat to watch....i'd never seen them act that way! So loving, and they were bending over backwards for him. They were just like any other grandparents. :)

So as far as updates..ill start with two nights ago :). Tuesday night... It was a LONG day. I was at the school building from 8:30 in the morning to 9:30 at night! Granted, i had two small hour breaks inbetween, but it was a long one! Anyway, it was the end of the day, and I was waiting for Alex to get out of her class. She had told me that she would meet me in the lobby of our school... but for some reason I wanted to wait for her outside instead. It was a nice night, and that way she didn't have to walk all the way into the building. It was taking her her a while to get out of class, and I stood by the side of the street for about fifteen minutes. I was fine with it, just people watching is always fun :) As I was people watching, I noticed a little old lady trying to cross the street. She had a walker in each hand.. and was walking SO slow, struggling tons. I was about to go help her, and then at the same time there was a car pulling out of an alley right to her left. She had her back turned, so she had no idea this vehicle was on its way to hit her. While witnessing this I had so many different thoughts flying through my head. Try and stop the car myself? Run to the old lady first and catch her as she falls? Or try to make it to the car in time to hit on the drivers window... I picked the last option. I ran into the street, screamed, and hit on the window. They screeched to a halt, and the sweet elderly lady got to live another beautiful day in Granada. She finally realized what had almost happened. She yelled, "Gracias!" And I responded with a an appropriate coloquial response, "Nada!" It was just kinda a neat reminder, we are all in the right place at the right time.. according to God's plan. If Alex hadn't had been running late, or if I would have chosen to wait inside as I had told her... I could have missed out on being able to help this woman! So thankyou Jesus, for pefectly orchestrating our lives according to your plan. :)

Secondly, The other night I went out for tapas with Chris, Ben, Robert, and a local waiter at a cafe here in town- named Maurrecio! We spent about two hours speaking in SPANISH. He was originally from Argentina, so it was interesting to hear his story- Especially the differences between Argentina and Spain. He helped us a bit with our Spanish... and it was super fun! When we greeted each other, (the Spaniard) it is custom to do a kiss on each cheek. Well, we did so, but when I went in for the second *kiss *kiss, he stood back. It was so awkward! He then proceeded to tell me that since he was from Argentina, he's not used to the kisskiss thing yet. It was funny after that... and kind of neat because I was WEIRDED out by him not doing the proper customs! That sure means I am getting used to it over here. :) Its nights like those that make this experience even more worthwile. Making those memories and relationships with actual PEOPLE are going to be the ones that really influence me and give me stories to bring back home.

Yesterday Paco and Maria's grandson was over here, as I mentioned earlier. I really can't say enough about how much I enjoyed it. Seeing them interact made me feel like I was part of the family in a way... I could just feel the love and joy. It was contagious. I'm so fortunate to have the opportunity to have a home-stay!

Tonight at dinner we had plenty of laughs again... it was a good one! We had some great convos, and its so cool to see/hear how much better Alex is getting at her Spanish! She's so bright, and is catching on so fast. Also, Maria made this great egg/vegetable dish! They were deviled eggs and vegeatables. MMM MMM GOOD. It was my favorite meal yet! Super good. I think I'm about to ask Maria for my nightly hot chocolate. :) Alex and I are currently watching "He's just not that into You." Gotta induldge sometimes ;)

As in my last post, its still raining! I'm so sick of it... maybe my family will bring some sunshine to this country ;) I'm banking on it! They are on their way here right now! Its so crazy to think... I can't wait to hug them, and show them everything that i'm experiencing! I think I'm going to take them to the beach of Malaga on Saturday. We'll see how the weather holds up! Its supposed to be 60 and sunny! Tomorrow night we are going to a ba to listen to some live "latin jazz" music. I hope its good! I"m sure it will be :) Wednesday we are going to a Flamenco show... I'm pumped for that as well! So much to look forward to... and just seeing them will be more than enough. :) Until next time.

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