Feb 15, 2010

Rain, rain, go away....

Today is just another dreary Monday, rainy... the sun is trying to peep out behind the clouds, but is efforts aren't so successful. On my way home from class this morning I decided to snap a couple photos. The second picture is of the Plaza that I walk through everyday on my way to school. The trees are SO bare... because they trimmed off leaves to keep the pigeons from pooping in them. (Apparently the smell was horrible this fall). I think its just beautiful. The first picture is just a random tienda (store) on my way home. Its named "Eden"- and is comically a store for "big and tall men." Its absolutely crazy to think that I have been here for a month now. Time has gone by so fast! I feel as if I have only been here for two weeks... Its crazy. Also, when I look back on everything that I have done already... it blows my mind! I've been to Morocco AND Switzerland in the past month. Here's a few things that I have accomplished in the past month. :)
1. I managed to go 33 hours without sleep on the journey to Spain.
2. I packed my bags "lightly", and my check in bag weigh in at exactly 49.8 pounds
3. I have had conversations over the dinner table with Paco and Maria about the government of the United States vs. Spain, religion,about their love story, and the lives of the young people here (that was interesting).
4. I stayed with a Muslim family in Morocco for 3 days. Only one of them spoke limited English. I ate Cous-Cous, tried many different Moroccan foods, and LOVED Moroccan tea.
5. I rode a camel in Morocco as well... and almost had my nose chomped off.
6. I heard the call of prayer countless times in Morocco, and walked with the people towards the Mosque.
7. I saw the burial site of Muhammed V.
8. I got to pray, while taking in a breathtaking view of the Mediterranean sea.
9. I have eaten Paella, and tried to enjoy Flan here in Spain.
10. I got to ski in the Swiss Alps, eat Swiss cheese AND chocolate. (Also spent about 17 dollars at McDonald's there as well).
11. Accidently sat in first class on a very nice Swiss Train, then got scolded.
12. Slept in an airport.
13. Had the best birthday YET, while celebrating in Granada with my new friends... and got into a discoteca for FREE, due to my sweet talking skills in Spanish. ;)
14. Started class, and am currently learning about the society of the middle ages in Spain, as well as the prehistoric art forms. (Which I LOVE).
15. Been challenged to hold my breath and try to breathe through my shirt when Paco lights up a cigarette at the dinner table.
16. Come to love dried fruit and cafe con leche more than anything else.
17. Missed everyone back home, but have found ways to keep my thoughts from becoming over-powering.
18. Worshiped in a Spanish-speaking church... and sang songs to OUR Lord (Jehova) and Savior.
19. Found ways to alternate clothing, so that I end up having clothes to wear by the end of two weeks..(until laundry is done).
20. Managed to keep my showers under 3 minutes, considering theres no water pressure or hot water for that matter.
21. Laughed until I cried with Alejandra (Alex) and Maria at the dinner table.
22. Joined a gym, and am starting to get back in shape. :)
23. Grown up a lot, and becoming more independent as each day goes on.
24. Learned to appreciate so many things that I never noticed before being abroad.
25. Expanded my taste in music, AND food.
26. Eaten Kalimari and swordfish.
27. Spent a day at the Alhambra, and took in amazing views.
28. Lastly, I've already had an AMAZING experience in just this one month.... :)

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