Feb 14, 2010

Dia de Valentinos

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope that you are all having a very blessed, and full of love Sunday. This morning Alex and I got up, and had breakfast with Paco and Maria. We had the usual toast... and I put my much loved Nutella on it, of course. Paco and Maria told us "Happy Valentine's Day" and asked what we called it in America. After breakfast when Alex and I walked back into our room Alex found a surprise from her boyfriend, Brian. :) On her desk was a beautiful bouquet of lilies and roses. (I went on a secret mission yesterday to find those, and hid them in the spare bedroom until this morning.) She loved them- good work, Brian! :) We then just layed in bed for a while, and tried to stay warm! Its been so cold here lately- we're MORE than ready for the sun to come out again... and to get rid of this rainy, dreary weather! We got ready for church, and met our friend Shayna just down the street. She took us to a church she went to last week... La Iglesia Evangelica. Its an Evangelical Free/Baptist church. It was TINY, and there were so many people stuffed in one room, but it was really neat at the same time. Having the opportunity to worship with the Lord's children, in another country and language, is really powerful. The service was based on the book of Joel. Basically, the pastor talked about how no matter where you are in the world... you're going to go through times of hardship. We need to find our joy and strength in the Lord... He will provide. It was really neat to sing songs in Spanish as well. We sang a song to the tune of "Jesus, Lover of my Soul." I thought it was really powerful. Super neat! Then today Alex and I have just been relaxing, catching up on some sleep and homework... Tomorrow starts another full week, and my family will be here on Friday. CRAZY. I'm so excited there are hardly words. :) Can't wait to see you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Paige, I am glad that you were blessed to worship in a church in Spain! When I went to Mexico that was the most powerful part of the entire week long experience
