Mar 17, 2010

St. Paddy's Day, London, Flamenco Show!

---- Ashley, Me, Felica in front of Big Ben!-----
---- Me and Cor in front of my favorite fountain. :) ----
---- Sara Baras, the BEST flamenco dancer in the world!----
---- Cory and Me in front of Westminster Abbey----
---- Us girls in front of the London Eye----

Well lots has happened since my last post. Considering I have visitors, I haven't been able to be on the computer much! I figured that i'd post a few pics... and update you all with the writing part later. Today's St. Paddy's Day, so I know that tonight we are going to go check out the Irish pub in Granada. It should be a good time. :) Last night, I took Cory to a Flamenco show here in Granada with the rest of our program. Her name was Sara Baras, and she was PHENOMENAL. She was "the best in the world." I had goosebumps half the show. I think Cory really enjoyed it as well. Tomorrow we leave for Paris with 15 of our friends! I'm SO excited to go to the Louvre, and see the Eiffel Tower, etc. However, I don't really want the weekend to end. :( Mid-terms are next week, so i'll be needing to study hard core on the trip back from Paris. Until later! Enjoy the pitures. :)

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