Mar 7, 2010

Just another Lazzzy Sunday

Today has been a pretty relaxing one. :) We woke up for breakfast at 9:30... then I went back to sleep. I MAY or may not have slept in unil 1:30 today... but ill leave it at that, for ya'll to ponder. Haha. Alex and I finished a movie called "Tin Cup." It was a great movie about golf- I loved it, though was a bit frustrated with the lead actor, because his choice of play on the 18th hole were simply, DUMB. Anyway, I got over it and tried to remind myself it was just a movie. Thank you to Alex's parents for sending that movie! :) After that, Alex and I have been attempting to get some homework done. However, it has been distracted with sudoku, and facebook. Whoops. Today at lunch Paco and Maria went on a rant about their beliefs regarding abortion. Its always interesting to listen to them babble when they bring up a controversial subject. Their tone and posture become so much more intense. AND, they barely stop to breathe. I try to not giggle, because they could take that the wrong way... but its hard at times! Alex and I just nod and reply with, "Si.." or "Claro." ;) I have a pretty exciting week ahead of me! Tomorrow I don't have my night history class (Thank goodness). So that means I only have class at 8:30, and a meeting at 2:30. A pretty great day if you ask me! THEN.. FRIDAY is the day! Cory and Felica will be here.. and I'm so so so excited to see both of them. There really aren't even words to describe how excited I am. :) I'll meet them in London.. and will be sure to post pictures of the wonderful English speaking city ASAP. :)
Friday night I went out for some tapas with friends, and we discovered one of the best tapas places yet. Its called "POE." I believe it is actually owned by an African woman... due to the decor in the place. The tapa were AMAZING. I got a meat and pineapple kabob... it had a barbeque sauce type coating as well. It was refreshing to have something somewhat like home... with loads of flavor! After that we decided to check out the "Botellon." The Botellon is a huge plaza that is located very close to my apartment. Its a place where the youth of Granada goes on the weekends at night. Its a HUGE social gathering, and when i say HUGE, i mean HUGE. I'm not very good with estimating amounts of people. But I would say it was close to 1,000 young people. I met some really nice guys that were my age. We started chatting, and before we knew it.. an hour and a half had passed by. I was so pumped because it was all in Spanish! My favorite part of the conversation was when a guy named Carlos asked me if I watch the show "LOST." Now, for those of you who know me well... Lost is my all-time favorite tv show. Therefore, my reaction to his question was completely justified with my boucning up and down and squeeling. Hahaha. It made me so happy to be asked that question. Its just another one of those things that remind you how we are all connected in some way.. no matter where you are in the world! :)