Mar 26, 2010

Next stop, Spring Break!

I decided I'd give a quick update before I leave for a week! This week is "Semana Santa"... or Easter break basically. I am leaving for Barcelona early this morning with two great girl friends, Maggie and Caitlin. :) We will spend time in Barcelona until Sunday night... and then meet 5 other friends in the Canary Islands! We'll be there until the following Saturday. I'm excited to whip out the shorts and flip flops! :) I'm not bringing my computer, so I'll get back in touch with everyone next weekend! Take care!


  1. Wow, Paige! Those pictures are amazing! I feel like I am almost there. Boy, would I love to be. :) Sounds like you are having the time of your life!

  2. Thanks, Betty! And I really am having an amazing experience! :) hope all is well for you and the kids! miss you!
