Mar 4, 2010

Soup. Soup. Soup.

(My desk) :) ---Note: ALL the scarves. ;)

Well, not much is different in the life of Paige. Granada is STILL raining... and it has yet to get very warm :(. Maria has been as sweet as ever.. making LOADS of food... but for some reason my tummy isn't really feelin them anymore. Having fish soup one day, bean soup the next, and then fried sardines... I'm needing to dig even deeper into my peanut butter jar... But oh well! Thats alright :) I'm loving my gym more and more every day. Alex and I have talked about how if we didn't have our gym, we don't know what we'd do! It gives us a kind of routine... and some type of stability. It also makes the time go by faster, and keeps us out of our dark cold room! Tomorrow I may go check out a hair salon (una peluqueria), and possibly get my hair died a bit darker, if I feel comfortable with the communication and stuff. Tonight at dinner Maria was telling me about her niece who has divorced her husband. It was really touching to know that Maria felt comfortable to open up to us in that way. I could see the pain in her eyes, and I believe she could see the compassion in mine. Apparently this niece's children are 12, 10, and 3 years old. They are in school here in Granada. I told Maria that I would LOVE to meet them, and help them practice their English. She said that some weekend she will take us over there to do that. I'm already excited. :) Hearing people try to speak English over here is so neat- it makes me REALLY consider doing something like that in my future. After being here, I have a taste of what its like to be on the "other-side" of the language barrier. In the states we have many people that are in the process of learning English. Its much more stressful and uncomfortable than I ever realized... after being in their shoes here in Spain. I wonder if that's what God is calling me to do in the future. Who knows! All I know is that I'm enjoying every minute here, and know that I'm here for a reason. Maria's two sons and grandson are here right now. Oh- can't forget about the dog! Its refreshing to hear the giggle of a little kid again. It is so LOUD, but so contagious! Speaking of laughing- on the way home from classes today I was walking through the plaza filled with flowers. Now something to keep in mind, is that this plaza is ALWAYS filled with pigeons as well. (NOT my favorite) Anyway, there was a little chiuaua puppy that was running in circles... making the pigeons flee into the air. Then when they would touch ground again, the puppy would re-start his route of sprinting and "malicous" barking. I was literally laughing out loud while walking through this plaza. It made my day! I'm not really sure what this weekend has in store. Everyone is basically hangin out here in Granada, so it'll be fun to have everyone around all together again. Until next time, put some extra Ranch dressing on your salads for me... please. ¡Hasta Luego!

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