May 5, 2010

ROME- where it all began.

News flash: ROME = amazing. But seriously. Holy guacamole I can't even say enough about it! There were so many goofy memorable things that happened, so I'll do my best to explain them via blog. Here we go!

We got into Rome around noon, checked into our hostel, and headed straight to the colesseum! We didn't go in on the first day, but we took pictures outside of it. After walking around a bit, we decided that we were STARVING. We treated ourselves to some good ol' italian pasta. Let me tell you, it was as good as its made out to be! I ordered a ravioli type pasta with mushrooms, spinich, and a white cream sauce. MMM. Funny- as I was trying to order my pasta, I didn't know how to say the name (it was some crazy Italian name).... so i decided to stick with the number of the food on the menu. The waiter looks at me and goes "Dees es not a chinese retaurauuuunt" (In his Italian accent- I did what i could to have it written as it sounds) I kinda looked at him a bit flustered... haha.. and then he made me pronounce it with him. It was all in good fun. We were all so exhausted by the time night rolled around, and we hit the beds early! We woke up early Saturday morning because we were hoping to get in line to get ITALIAN OPEN tickets. Yes, you read that correctly. We ended up getting there in PLENTY of time (Don't count on the Europeans to be anywhere early). We then spent the entire day exploring the tennis stadium and all of the activities that went along all day. We got to watch Rafael Nadal win... and it was a great match, also a day filled with LOTS of sun! Such a fun day. Oh ya- for lunch we found a little restaurant along the river, with a deal where you could get a pizza slice, a coke, and some little special rice filled breaded thing for 5 Euro. It HIT the spot. Sunday then came, and we slept in a bit- the days before had wiped us out. We went to the Colosseum, got a tour of the inside, and i was blown away. I am not really a huge history person- for those of you who know me well- but THIS was SWEET. After that we got a tour of the Forum as well. We then hit up the Fountain of Trevi, and I threw three coins in over my left shoulder for myself, and three for kylie! So happily ever after...prince charming? Here we come! Haha. Monday we woke up super early and got in line for the Vatican. We were told it was going to be a crazy day there, because it had been closed the two days before... but when we got in line, and it was time to enter, we were in within five minutes. Once again, go Americans! Haha. The Vatican was really neat as well. Caitlin and I were not aware of the rule that you couldn't wear shorts... because its a sacred place. So when a security guard started yelling at me in Italian, I was a bit confused. He then proceeded to point at my legs, and I eventually understood what he was inferring. He was either going to escort us out, or we had to buy something to "cover ourselves up." Haha- so we both were luckily wearing scarves, and wrapped them around our legs. SO funny. And a great memory! But next time, im wearing a burka. Haha. Our trip back went very smoothly, my stomach was satisfied with its fill of pizza and pasta, and I'm ready for the last two weeks here in Spain!

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