May 16, 2010

Last Weekend.

Well folks, this is it. The time has come where it is time to go home! Though it is very VERY bittersweet, I am very excited to see YOU ALL! Family and friends from home. Home really is where the heart is... but Spain will always have a piece as well. We had a great weekend. On thursday night we had our goodbye dinner. We went to a REALLY nice restuarant. Our meal included appetizers, a main course, and even DESSERT. Yes, dessert. THAT was something different in Spain! At my house, dessert consists of apples and oranges.... (that's not dessert in my book) haha. My ravioli filled me up, and then all 40 of us went to our favorite circle bar! Its such a fun environment there. It's turned out to be one of our favorite places.. and is conveniently located 1.2 minutes away from my apartment. Woo! Friday and Saturday both involved sleeping in until lunch time... laying around... and going out with friends once again. Lots of memories were made this weekend, which was suitable for being the last weekend. Nolan made it to state track, and I am SO pumped for him! That also means that I will arrive in Omaha thursday night at midnight, and then drive a couple hours to Des Moines, and be able to watch him on Friday! Perfect. Then his graduation party is on Sunday with the relatives and friends! What a perfect weekend to come home to!

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